Jovenes Emprendedores Aretesanos

Year: 2010
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $500.00

Project Launch:

Jutiapa is the 8th poorest municipality in El Salvador. The economy is based on agriculture, principally the cultivation of corn and beans and dairy farming. Economic diversification is minimal and as a result, the municipality offers very limited career/work opportunities for individuals after graduation. The average grade reached in school is 9th. Being a small, agricultural community makes it hard for Jutiapa to maintain a strong economy. With the help of a $500 grant from World Connect’s Kids to Kids Program in 2010, the children of the community were empowered to help out their families. Jovenes Emprendedores Artesanos provided instruction in traditional handicrafts and in small business development, and gave youth a safe place to go and something fun and educational to do. The program offered a place for kids to learn about the culture of their town, be part of a group, how to run a business, the benefits of community involvement and produce income generating items that could support purchasing school supplies and uniforms. The children made beautiful pieces of artwork and jewelry that was sold in local shops and at fairs for profit that was invested back into the community. The children lit up when someone bought something they made. Not only did it make them feel good about their artistic abilities, it gave them pride to be able to contribute to their family income.