Bio-Sand Water Filters to Provide Families with Safe Drinking Water

Year: 2012
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $2,878.71

Project Launch: 11-19-12

La Vereda and Loma Atravesada, two rural communities in the Monte Cristi province on the northwest coast of the Dominican Republic, are located on a rocky dirt road, 30-40 minutes from the nearest town by motorcycle. The main industries are agriculture and fishing, but the climate is exceptionally arid and a lack of rain strains agricultural production. There is no electricity, running water or paved roads, and there is limited educational opportunity. If kids wish to continue their studies beyond the one local primary school (grades 1-5), they must hitch a ride by motorcycle to surrounding communities.
One of the biggest problems, as identified by the communities themselves, is the lack of access to clean water. This problem impacts a number of areas, including health, hygiene and agricultural production. A strong community women’s group has taken on the task of solving this problem for their community by proposing the installation of bio-sand water filters in each and every home. The filters are an economical and long lasting intervention that, with World Connect’s support, will provide safe water to these rural communities for many years to come.

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