Huerto Escolar

Year: 2013
Country: El Salvador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $492.80

Project Launch:

This three part project in Canton Las Minas, El Salvador aims to benefit both women and children The first part of the project involves teaching a local boys' soccer team how to organize and maintain a vegetable garden. The second part involves teaching basic business skills to the group, so they can access markets with their highly demanded vegetables. The third part focuses on nutrition workshops for the boys' mothers, so that they have a better understanding of how to improve their family's health. Proceeds from this project will fund the boys' soccer program, providing them with uniforms, transportation and snacks.

Through the project, the community will be teaching youth new skills and providing them with a practical opportunity to use these skills. This will indirectly decrease the influence of drugs and alcohol among young people by providing them with alternate activities that are both fun and educational. The number of youth that suffer from malnutrition in the community will also decrease, as mothers will be better equipped to ensure their families eat a balanced diet.


Project Update

The boys soccer team helped start the school’s vegetable garden by cleaning and preparing the area for planting. They learned how to make organic compost and planted radishes, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Due to low harvest, the soccer team divided the vegetables among themselves instead of selling to the community. The boy's mothers participated in a nutrition workshop, where they learned about malnutrition and the importance of fruit and vegetables. Using skills learned from this project, one of the boys started his own home garden and compost pile.



"I learned how to make organic compost and how to make a vegetable garden. I like to plant the cucumber seeds."  - Josque, 11 year-old Project Participant 


"This project has provided young boys with new skills that they can use in the future. Not just technical skills, but life skills such as team work and responsibility." - Ismaldi, Peace Corps Volunteer