Brujas of Brooklyn: Cycle Breakers 101

Year: 2023
Country: United States
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $10,000.00

Project Launch: 3-6-23

The Brujas of Brooklyn were founded by Dr. Miguelina Rodriguez and Dr. Griselda Rodriguez-Solomon who are identical twins, PhDs and Professors who design and facilitate multi-sensory workshops for women of color.  The Brujas of Brooklyn have been facilitating workshops since 2012 and during the COVID pandemic, they saw huge growth in their online community which has grown to over 28,000 members.  Their community is largely made up of cycle-breakers who are the first in their families, communities, and bloodlines who attempt to break free of intergenerational forms of trauma. These cycle-breakers are specifically addressing race-based forms of trauma, which are often associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   With support from World Connect, the Brujas of Brooklyn will pilot "Cycle-Breakers 101," their first in-person retreat for members of their online community. Participants will receive psycho-emotional support, with an emphasis on addressing womb-related imbalances among women of color.  Cycle Breakers 101 is significant because women of color are disproportionately affected by reproductive imbalances such as uterine fibroids and PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome).  Moreover, Black women in New York are 12 times more likely to die due to complications at birth or the postpartum period than their white counterparts. A combination of racist medicine, and inter-generational inheritance of trauma-induced illness, are major causes for these imbalances. “Cycle Breakers 101” is part of a growing movement of women of color taking back their healing power and placing it in their own hands and wombs.

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