La Oruga

Year: 2016
Country: Nicaragua
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $750.00

Project Launch: 1-11-17

The Oruga Foundation provides mental health and wellness services to adolescents living in and around Ciudad Dario, Nicaragua. Led by three women trained in mental health, the organization is seeking to offer dance and martial arts classes to adolescent girls as well as other youth to provide a positive, healthy outlet for them to cultivate their interests and talents. This project seeks funds to establish a functional dance studio for use in the dance classes, which will cover multiple styles.

Project Update: 4-14-17

The dance class now has mirrors, bars for stretching and the new changing space. Oruga has seen a 50% increase in the enrollment in the dance class. The students are more active in the programs and the parents are more committed to the sustainability of the center. There have also been a 35% increase in the reinforcement classes.

Final Report: 5-18-17

New programs integrating culture, sports, and social development have been created for students. New furniture and spaces have been created to support participants. The organization's office has been renovated, creating more space and facilitatinb better access to the classrooms. 

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