Goat Rearing as an Income Generating Activity

Year: 2013
Country: Kenya
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $814.71

Project Launch:

This project will launch an income generating activity, based on raising and caring for goats, for a group of volunteer community health workers in Njabina village. This particular group of community health workers has been volunteering time and money to ensure the community's health since 2011. They recently graduated from a one-year government-training program on maternal and child health and are actively focused on decreasing the number of women who choose to give birth in the home as opposed to in the community's health center under the care of trained medical professionals. Their income-generating activity will revolve around selling goat milk, which is in high demand in the region. Income generated will be distributed amongst the community health workers, used to purchase more goats, and deposited into a group savings account, so that the group can provide loans for families dealing with extreme poverty or other difficult circumstances.


Project Update

The group collectively raises the goats and sells the milk to the community. To help raise awareness about heath and nutrition, the community health workers held a Women’s Health Day and several HIV testing days, and are planning more educational events for the future.



"I am very grateful for this opportunity to own a goat. It will help my family to raise school fees for my children." - Peter, Project Leader


"This goat has been a blessing from God. I have four children and no husband, and I work every day to provide a good home for my family. I am not young anymore, and it is more challenging every day. A goat is very simple to care for, and my children are able to help to care for it." - Coro, Project Participant

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