Fogones Sanos, Vidas Contentas (Healthy Stoves, Happy Lives)

Year: 2012
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $2,787.53

Project Launch:

In Paradero, a mountainous village 900 meters above sea level in the northern Dominican Republic, a group of 24 women have formed a Mother's Club whose main goal these days is to build 50 efficient, wood-burning cook stoves for 50 families, comprising 94% of the village's population. Funding will support the purchase of the cook stoves, which will significantly reduce the amount of smoke inhalation and respiratory illness in the community, as well as decrease the amount of wood taken from the local environment for cooking. The Mother's Club has also identified local individuals who will be trained by the Peace Corps Volunteer to be cook stove technicians, ensuring there is always local capacity to make needed repairs and provide ongoing maintenance.


Project Update

32 stoves were built, 7 more than originally planned.



"The new stoves are so wonderful! It was all worth the hard work because now we can live our lives feeling much healthier." - Project Leader


"For me the best attribute of the new stove is the fact that I can go to bed at night and not have to wrap my hair in a rag to mask the smell of smoke!" - Project Participant 

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