Reproductive Health Education in Les Palmes

Year: 2015
Country: Haiti
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $10,244.34

Project Launch: 6-1-16

The Les Palmes Health Center is the primary health facility serving the area's nearly 30,000 residents. It sees a caseload of 600-800 patients per month, and the most common conditions treated are malaria, anemia, typhoid, acute respiratory infection and hypertension, and cholera has been documented in a number of surrounding communities. The facility supports about 5-10 births per month, many of them very young women. 

The primary objectives of this project, in partnership with the nursing staff at the Les Palmes Health Center, are reach 700 young people across 14 communities with reproductive health and family planning education, to accompany 175 young mothers to the Les Palmes Health Center for free consultations and to encourage positive relationships between them and the health facility, and to establish a community health commitee for the Les Palmes Health Center.  

Final Report: 8-15-17

834 adolescent boys and girls were trained on matters of reproductive health and family planning, all of whom were referred by by the health agents who have in turn trained these youth. The role of community health agents is vital because the public health system still cannot reach isolated rural hamlets. 40 young mothers learned of family family planning methods to avoid unwanted future pregnancies.

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