Reducing HIV Rates and Increasing HIV Education Through Chicken Rearing

Year: 2016
Country: Zambia
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $1,742.38

Project Launch: 12-23-16

Zambia has one of the world's highest HIV prevalence rates as nearly an eighth of all adult Zambians are infected with the virus. Social and cultural barriers, such as stigma, ignorance, traditional gender norms, and isolation, hamper effective prevention, treatment, and diagnosis. The virus claims thousands of lives each year and women are especially affected. This project proposes the creation of a chicken coop that will enable a local women's group in rural Zambia to promote adequate nutrition (protein) and create income that will sustain their work as well as their efforts to prevent the spread of HIV and attend to the needs of those living with HIV/AIDS.

Project Update: 6-14-17

Within three weeks of receiving funding for supplies, the cooperative had 104 chickens ready to sell, and had purchased 104 more day-old chickens to create a sustainable cycle. Two weeks later, they purchased another 104 chickens, establishing a continuous cycle of chickens ready to sell at multiple times throughout the month. The group is working diligently to ensure proper broiler chicken-rearing techniques. To date, they have purchased 5 rounds of chickens with no fatalities, and have made over 20,000 kwacha ($2,000 USD). The group is using the chickens for income generation and increased protein in the diets of people living with HIV/AIDS, and those impacted by the virus and its associated ilneesses. They also hope to use the funds gained to support themselves, their families, HIV/AIDS orphans, and other community members. Funds will also go towards transportation costs for those living with HIV/AIDS so they can travel to the hospital, which is 20 kilometers away.

Final Report: 10-28-17

The Mwansakombe Positive Living Group has been a huge inspiration to the community. The group’s success has greatly helped reduce stigma levels in the community. This project and its anti-stigma campaigns have allowed group members to be seen beyond their HIV-positive status and have proven to the community that HIV is not a barrier to being a productive and successful member of society. The group has succeeded in encouraging others to share their HIV-positive status. In many cases, community members not open about their statuses were also not seeking treatment. Thus, by more people sharing their HIV status, more people are now also receiving proper care and support. Stigma levels are decreasing, more people living with HIV/AIDS are receiving adequate treatment, and levels of nutrition are increasing for community members purchasing chickens and for group members and project participants. The community expects a decrease in the number of new HIV cases over the next year as more community members have been educated about HIV prevention. The success of the chicken rearing project which has greatly motivated the Positive Living Group to undertake even larger projects that will benefit generations to come.