Nsala Computer Laboratory

Year: 2019
Country: Malawi
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $9,296.26

Project Launch: 10-3-19

Through this project, Nsala Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) will construct a solar powered computer laboratory with 5 computers and printing services. The project will equip students with Information Communication and Technology (ICT) skills and enable them to sit for national computer examinations. Additionally, completion of this project will qualify the school to be an ICT examination center for students from other nearby schools. 50 students will benefit from the project directly and another 200 students will be impacted over the next two to three years. 

Project Update: 10-31-19

Three months after funding, Nsala Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) has completed construction of a powered computer laboratory, pucrchased the needed 5 computers and and is now in the process of procuring the solar equiments. Once completed, the project will equip students with Information Communication and Technology (ICT) skills and enable them to sit for national computer examinations. Additionally, completion of this project will qualify the school to be an ICT examination center for students from other nearby schools. 105 students will benefit from the project directly and another 200 students will be impacted over the next two to three years. 

Final Report: 4-30-20

Situated far from the national electricity grid and with no computers, Nsala Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) students had no hope of learning and using computers in their studies. Thanks to the $9,296.26 World Connect International Grant which has enabled the school to construct a computer laboratory and install it with solar power which is currently powering 5 computers and one photocopier effectively.  The new development has excited teachers who are not only able to teach 105 students but also design and print exams internally at highly reduced cost. Teachers and community members are also benefiting from the computer laboratory through frequent practice which sharpens their skills and access to print and photocopy their work within the community respectively.  The project has pleased the Ministry of Education Science and Technology which linked Nsala CDSS to Computers for Malawian Schools which has donated 10 more refurbished computers costing $2,000. The project is designed to impact many students who will become valuable citizens of the country for many years to come.