Belize Swim Club

Year: 2008
Country: Belize
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Education
Project Investment: $400.00

Project Launch:

The Belize Swim Club thrives as more youth join and become excited about swimming. They have become dedicated to constantly beating their best time and pushing themselves to be better. Fun competitions between the students have given them a sense of pride when they win and the wish to work harder if they did not. Due to the success of the club, leaders plan on hosting a summer swim camp to encourage more youth to participate.

So far 15 youth have been reached however the club leaders expect 20 more in their summer camp. The youth have a desire to improve their technique and have grown close to their coaches who have become the youths mentors. The swimmers help each other out and are happy to be a part if something bigger than themselves as individuals.


Belize Swim club offers Bi-Weekly classes on swimming technique, practice, and importance to children in the Belmopan community. The leaders of the swim club also emphasis the importance of swimming in Belize due to the common occurrence of floods. The leaders of the swim club want to legitimize the club by providing the youth with the correct equipment to swim in and feel proud of. As of right now, the children do not have goggles, caps, and in some cases swim suits (forcing them to swim in their cloths). The pool also has no lane lines.

The Kids to Kids Grant Award will provide the essential equipment needed by the Belize Swim Club. Hopefully the youths desire to swim will increase and they will grow up understanding the importance of physical activity.