Water Storage Tanks

Year: 2013
Country: Dominican Republic
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $2,358.50

Project Launch: 12-17-13

Loma Atravesada is a rural, isolated community in the northwest of the Dominican Republic that lacks basic infrastructure - electricity, clinics, paved roads, trash collection, and a reliable, safe water source. Local residents rely on rain that they collect from their zinc roofs and at times from somewhat reliable water trucks that arrive to pump water, for a price, into above-ground, concrete cisterns or large, plastic tanks, called tinacos, for those who have them.

Eleven of Loma Atravesada's fifty-five homes have neither a cistern or a tinaco; therefore, this project seeks to ensure that every home in Loma Atravesada has the ability to capture and store rain water on site. Community leaders have assessed each household pre-project and worked with families to identify the size tinaco that makes the most sense, given their family size, water needs, and characteristics of their household. Families will be responsible for identifying an appropriate location for their tinaco and for participating in trainings to ensure the continued use, care and maintenance of their tinaco. This project is an extension of World Connect's 2012 Bio-Sand Water Filter project in the same community.